Friday 10 October 2014

Horror society

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The last seven days my life has resembled a horror story as my step-father gets weaker by the day. We took the children to see him and it was hard not to cry in front of them. I thought it apt that my latest review was published on the web site, With my mind so preoccupied with family affairs I for once was stumped on what to writer about; so I though it fit to post the review onto today's copy of always-hanging-around.

For the last few days I have lost interest in going to the gym, surfing my on line sites like Twitter, Facebook, linkedin etc and even going out in general. That's the thing with cancer, it effects not only the person involved but all their loved ones as well. What has really got to me lately are the constant adds on the television from various organisations linked with cancer trying to get your money. What a con they all are. As I stated in one of my first ever blog posts cancer is an industry that has consumed billions of pounds over the last 120 years keeping hundreds of thousands of people in employment and with all of this humanity is no closer to solving this problem than the Victorians. But then again do we really want to find a cure? The only way to stop cancer is to stop cells dividing and as that's the building block to all life the person who has this knowledge will then have power over all living things on this planet.

Now that's a horror story yet to be invented.


FRENZY a Daniel Jones Story

 8 1 1 2

There is always that first book that starts off a new genre which will lead over the following decades to many off shoots and spin offs from it. Just think of Graham
tThere is always that first book that starts off a new genre which will lead over the following decades to many off shoots and spin offs from it. Just think of Graham Stoker’s Dracula that first brought Vampires to the Victorian reading public, and which today is as popular a theme as ever, especially for T.V. From Roberts Louis Stevenson’s Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide through, to Zombies, to Werewolf’s, to killer dolls; they all started from a very first book. With FRENZY a Daniel Jones Story we have a new genre in the Over-seers which will over the coming years lead to numerous copycat stories.
Without giving the game away about who, or what, the Over-seers are the focus falls on the top quality of the story telling. There are 220 pages with every one packed with a vivid writing style that paints a wonderfully clear picture in your mind as the story unfolds. The first dramatic chapter is just one and half pages and sets the scenes perfectly. After this you are introduced to Daniel Jones a teenager full of confidence in the path his life is going to lead until he stumbles over the terrible truth about the Over-seers in a chapter so gory you will wake up in the night in a cold sweet. A new ruling class that are treated as the saviours of humanity, but Daniel knows the truth, and the Over-seers know he knows! He has no choice but to go to the run to save his life, and to protect his family. Near to death he is saved by Gwendolyn, a fiery girl of similar age, she introduces him to Mary who becomes the mother figure within the trio.
The adventure begins as all three are forced to flee on a journey to find the one thing that could protect them while being chased by Hunters. Groups of people who live by no laws other than the Seven Procedures and who do the Over-seers dirty work. Along the way there are moments of sheer terror and plenty of blood is spilt. The final chapter is as dramatic as the first with the whole story being a page turner that will leave you wanting more.
Mark King follows in the great writing style of Horror and Suspense novels that made Stephen King such a hit. It can be down loaded on Kindle, Nook and iTunes and hard copies can be purchased on Amazon. Recommend FRENZY a Daniel Jones Story by Mark King to your friends because it is unique in that although it is full of blood and guts; it is also great fun to read. Now you don’t get that very often!at u it is also great fun to read. Now you don’t get that very often!

  8  1  1  2 

About Mitchell Wells

Mitchell Wells
Head Freak in Charge of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!! - Email Me HERE

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